The 180 Degree rule while filming is used when two charatcers in a particular scene are having a conversation where they maintain there left and right shoulders so the camera can cross over during the conversation depending on what character is speaking.
Jessie walks into the coffee shop.
Jessie walks into the coffee shop.
Jessie: Hey
Florence: Hi, It’s been a long time since we’ve been out hasn't it
Jessie shrugs and sits at the table opposite Florence.
Jessie: Since you and Rob got together we stopped hanging out
Florence: I’m sorry Jessie, I hope we can be like we were before all of that
Jessie: That’s only because you and Rob broke up Flo
Uses the 180 degree rule, camera moves to Jessie’s side of the table and we see Florence’s reaction from Jessie’s perspective.
Waiter walks to their table.
Camera immediately looks up at the waitress. A high shot is used so we see all the characters.
Waiter looks at Florence.
Waiter: Can I take your order?
Florence: I’ll have a hot chocolate please
Shot of Florence from Jessie’s shoulder.
Jessie: Stares at Florence for several seconds.
Florence: Jessie?
Jessie: I can’t do this, you get a boyfriend and pretend we never met and now you’re not together you want to be friends!
Waiter: I’ll come back in a few minutes
Jessie: No I’ll have a coffee to go please
Waiter shakes her head, smiles and walks away in a rush.
Camera is positioned in the middle of Jessie and Florence for a full shot.
Florence: Your blowing this way out of proportion, I know it’s my fault
Jessie: Damn right it is!
Florence: Jessie please you’re my best friend
Jessie: Things have changed
Florence: I’m so sorry
Florence looks down into her lap.
Close up shot of Florence’s face while Jessie is talking.
Jessie: I’m moving to Canada, my mum has been offered a job over there. I’m leaving in 2 weeks
Camera looks at Jessie from behind Florence’s shoulder.
Florence's head shoots up
What?! You only tell me now?
Jessie: You’re lucky I even told you. A friend is expected to be there for their friends. You weren’t there
Florence: You hate me, I can’t believe this!
Jessie: I could never hate you Florence. But we can’t pretend the last few months of you ignoring my existence didn’t happen
Waiter appears back at the table with Jessie’s coffee.
Waiter: Here’s your coffee to go
Camera in the centre of the table from the opposite side, full shot of each character present at the table.
Jessie rummages through her purse and hands the waiter the money.
Jessie: Thank you
Waiter: You’re welcome
Waiter smiles and walks away.
*Phone rings*
Close up shot of Florence’s phone screen on the table. Caller I.D reads “Rob”.
Florence looks up at her phone and looks at Jessie watching her phone.
Jessie flings hand in the air and stands up
Go run after Rob like you always do! I’m gone. Bye Florence
Jessie walks away without glancing back and leaves the shop without waiting for a response from Florence.
Camera follows after her up to the door and watches her cross the road to catch a bus.
Camera then turns around to see Florence looking out the window.
Very dramatic, you've shown a good understanding of the 180 rule! Awesomeness xo